B.O.S.S. Bootcamp
Event Details
B.O.S.S. Bootcamp

Class Details
What You'll Learn
We invite you to attend this 4-session event designed to give new and prospective business owners an A to Z, no-nonsense plan to start, scale and market a successful business.
You’ll learn:
- How to select the type of business and complete the proper filings
- Find Seed Capital and Acquire Funding
- Build Your Business Credit
- Build a Budget
- Learn the different aspects of Marketing
- Develop a Search Friendly Website
- How to find customers
- Special Bonuses Include:
- Business Credit Consult
- Structuring Your Business for Generation Growth
- Tax Strategies
- and much, much more!

The Problem
By year 10 over 65% of businesses fail due to poor planning and execution in addition to a number of other mitigating factors. We want successful businesses in our communities and the best way to do that is to educate and inform current and prospective business owners on starting, maintaining, budgeting and marketing for the longevity and success of their business.
The Strategy
The B.O.S.S. Bootcamp is based on a fundamental strategy:
Business Opportunities = Strategic Success (B.O.S.S.)
You see the opportunity in the market that you can fill, and we’re providing you with the necessary strategies to make it a success.